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moveon.org and climate change

moveon.org is trying to help prevent a climate crisis that was dramatized in the movie the day after tomorrow by setting up a site called climate crisis and starting a petition to push The McCain-Leadership Climate Stewardship Act and fellow bloggers should feel encouraged to spread the word...the word is:

Subject: Help Prevent a Climate Crisis

Dear friend,

Maybe you've heard about the new movie, "The Day After Tomorrow." The movie, which tells the story of a devastating climate crisis, is more science fiction than science fact. Yet the danger it represents is very real. We've got to take action now to prevent a climate crisis.

Fortunately, there is something we can do about it. The McCain-Leadership Climate Stewardship Act would be a big step in the right direction, creating national caps on the greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming.

Join me in calling on Congress and President Bush to enact this bill now, at:


We can't afford to wait until the day after tomorrow.

Thank you.


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