get out and vote
so this morning after a sleepless night and a bad headache (my accusations turn to Rove) I got up at 6am and went to vote shortly thereafter...we arrived at our polling place ~6:30am or so and boy was it packed!...fortunately we're in the P-Z line and that one was smaller for whatever reason so we got to "fly" on through and use our electronic vote-eating machines...after I got in here at work I checked my Smother.Net personal email account and found a ton of messages from a variety of organizations urging me to vote...they ranged from The Beastie Boys to MTV to MoveOn.Org to Atlantic Records to Tribunal Records to Human Rights Campaign to a variety of promotional organizations that I work with and candidates that I've supported...pretty nifty huh?...looks like voter turnout is going to be pretty good. whoohoo!
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