taste it! J-Sin's musings...


welcome to tight club

so as I was driving into work this morning totally not feeling like coming in as I think I got perhaps 2 hours of sleep last night! rolling about in bed is for the birds by the way, so anyways as I was driving in I was thinking to myself that I need to get into shape. and not that I'm a big fatty batty now--my weight range is 135-138 give a pound or two and at 5'7" that's still in the "ok" or "good" range--but I just want to be in better shape, like 6 minute mile shape, like back in early years of college shape (read: before I'd get wasted all the time and eat poop and be a porker)...so I decided to start my own little club, and for brevity's sake I'll call it "Tight Club", yes an obvious reference to Fight Club...so what are the rules for Tight Club?, well the first rule of Tight Club is:

"Motivate myself"

yeah it's simple but it's necessary to do it...I need motivation to actually go through with all of this...it'll be hard to wake up early to go work out at the gym but I need to get back into that again...do I want to be diesel? no. the second rule is:

"Eat better"

yeah so fortunately I'm not into sweets, I rarely drink anything that isn't label "Diet" with the obvious exception being beer on the weekends and Gatorade so it shouldn't be that hard...I'm also a vegetarian (though I eat fish for protein and because fish suck and have no fucking feelings and if Asian people can eat fish so can I damn it) so I won't be mashing up the potatoes with a big ass steak or anything...so this part shouldn't be too hard but that includes eating breakfast which I always skip, but that should be easy if I can accomplish the first rule...I do eat way too much pizza and other "easy" meals which involve less cooking...and I rarely eat enough veggies and rarely eat fruit...that needs to change damn it!...My ideal weight is 120-125. yeah I know it's not much of actual weight loss but it should be enough to get rid of my slight beer belly...the third rule is:

"Work out"

yeah also a no-brainer and again if I can accomplish the first rule than this one goes hand-in-hand...I'd like to set a goal at least initially of working out at least three times a week...that shouldn't be that hard to accomplish right?...I hope not...so does anyone have any advice as to what sorts of work outs I should do? obviously I'll be riding the bicycle and running in circles (whoohoo!) at the gym and probably lifting light weights (I don't want to be Vin after all)...but any advice yo?...I'm a total shizz for posting this...oh the big L on my forehead.


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