adam brody vs. al bundy

adam brody

Al Bundy!
The match-up begins...
Brody walks down Rodeo Drive bouncing to the Coke beat thinking that he's all smart and goofy and like totally going to land that next awesome movie where he can starve himself and look disgusting and yet women will flock to him as if he's not this ugly creepy goofy looking bastard who Ashton Kutcher could fool. He makes his first move with his hand diving down the front of his pants readying the stink palm of doom.
Al Bundy gears it up. Sits down, waves his mane back and forth. Lets out a giant belch. Farts. Repeats. Reaches for the remote. Realizes that remote's batteries are being used in Peggy's vibrator. Roars "NUDEY BAR!!!". Launches right hand deep. Deep. Very deep inside pants. Wiggles fingers back and forth.
Brody falls victim to the patented Bundy move and collapses desperate for a rebound. Heck if this was wrestling he would be awaiting the roar of the crowd as some superstar's trademark intro song blasts through the PA speakers. Instead he's greeted by the same silence that accompanies many of his movies. He rolls over only to be run over by a big truck carrying a grand piano that once it hits the new speed bump nicknamed Brody Bump flips out of the truck and lands on his swollen and split head in a gigantic storm of Pianist irony (whoa there the piano just played YOU dude).
Al Bundy laughs then realizes he sells shoes and sobs himself to sleep.
Truly a death match for the ages folks...but then someone whispers in our ear that it's Adam Brody and not Adrien...and we all shrug our shoulders not knowing who the fuck Adam Brody is but super glad to see his corpse.
Adam Brody rules, sorry J-Sin.
you like the OC! hahahahaha...out
ps. I liked the WWF.
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