taste it! J-Sin's musings...


the trappings of townhouse life

before I start this post, I'd like to proclaim that people who say they live in a townhome are stupid fucking yuppies who suck...seriously, it's a townHOUSE not a townhome...just because you feel more uppitty by saying you live in a townhome doesn't mean I'm gonna let you get away with it...and if you spend over $500k to share a wall or two with someone you deserve my spite...

so living next to someone is fun isn't it?

especially when they listen to god awful Latin music that has the same rolling bass beat for 5,000 measures too...but when you're sitting in your computer room writing reviews of decent bands while and you can still hear your neighbor listening to (what you hope is) mainstream radio with its Coldplay (who I like), Nickelback (no.), and whatever other stupid songs I've overheard, you want to scream at them...but instead you insert the latest Dark Funeral album "Attera Totus Sanctus" and blast loud as shit black metal back at them...then again you could always be whisked back to '93 and be forced to listen to 4 Non Blondes, R.E.M., and Tag Team...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah... 4 Non Blondes, there's just nothing wrong with that...

So I live in a condo (I share three walls, not just a ghey two) and have to deal with this on all four sides (because my house faces a street in which people drive down blasting either rap or ranchero) and it is very non cool. My neighbor regularly plays very loud stuff with repetitive bass beats for, like, ever. It's 9am on a Saturday morning and this shit is going off. It's 11am at night and it's going. I have to put on my studio-quality headphones and blast some metal, but I can still FEEL the frackin bass from next door. So totally sucks...

On a funny note, my first roommate would always call this place "the townhouse" which ALWAYS made me want to correct him "condo" but I never did because I'm a total pussy.

-normally not so bitter.

-That's not true.

2:14 AM  
Blogger J-Sin said...

I think you need to take karate so you can chop your way through the wall and beat the living daylights out of that monkey next to you...I recommend that you listen to some nice gore-grind like Mortician or something...extremely loud...out


9:25 AM  

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