taste it! J-Sin's musings...


where's your anger, where's your fucking rage?

post title inspired by the lovely emo-core Boysetsfire song...but as I was commuting to work through all the hated traffic I just was thinking, where's our rage?! we're so busy trying to calm ourselves and relax ourselves, not wanting to get worked up...we have anger management classes...road rage is sure still a problem as is anger issues via any venue but why is it so unacceptable to get pissed off?!? our country has been stolen by neo-conservative war mongers who wrap themselves in the bible as if that will somehow justify their destruction of one of the best civilizations in modern times...meanwhile they pillage and loot OUR money off of our hard work, sweat, blood, and tears and we see some bastard get his head chopped off because our leaders are fucking morons...and they can't even stand up to OPEC and their oil gouging but maybe it's because they have more targets for us to bomb and steal oil from...but it's not like we can do too much about it since our election will be stolen neatly for us again meanwhile americans are too fucking stupid to realize that these same assholes are slowly killing us...and the sad thing is, the fucking conservatives still don't fucking get it...then again, they're maybe the majority of us really don't get it...or maybe I'm just tweaked because my work ran out of diet coke (and pens, and printer ink, and any sort of supplies!)...


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