taste it! J-Sin's musings...


the repulsivicans

That's the GOP's official new name as far as I'm concerned...hell at least I'm not the only one...and while Asscroft repeatedly scoffs at congressional requests on usage of the Patriot Act...so I say, fuck Asscroft, let's get him out!...and he after blasting 9/11 panel commissioner Jennifer Gorelick (falsely) of writing a memo that created a 'wall', he concedes a bit though doesn't discuss how her memo was more lenient than his own Deputy Attorney General's...what a big piece of shit...indeed he's used the Patriot Act to investigate a strip club owner accused of bribing local politicians...doesn't sound like very terrorist-oriented huh?...oh and by the way, fuck the logging industry and the handouts given to them by Bush...argh, this administration does nothing but line the pockets of corporations and the wealthy, while stripping away all the rights and freedoms of the lesser fortunate...so frustrating...


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