observations and the like
I don't think I've ever been more angry than when I past a van full of young kids and their redneck mother boasting a bumper sticker proclaiming that marriage = (and then a stick figure girl and a stick figure man)...how fucked up is that?...why do we as a nation spread such vicious hate?...I bet you they've never even known a gay person before...*sigh*...so that was the start to my overtly crummy weekend...some stuff I'm working on at work has people spun up in a stupid overture of dumb...but hey I could have dropped acid and thought that I was J.Lo and then created a cool puppet movie and spent 12-14 hour days working on it...or I could be refusing an award that Bush bestowed upon me while taking tips on how to write a letter by Sen. John Kerry...you know that guy who everyone wants to lie about...while I think to myself that, damn I only ran an 11 second 100mm dash when I was in track...but at least no one's trying to bust my balls over it
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