to the moon and the west white house
No sorry, it's not the death star but just a small moon folks...and the new parody video by Will Ferrell against Bush is hilarious...da ali g show was pretty darn funny last was the Bill Maher show...Rep. David Dreir was a total douche bag as usual (he's the chair of the House Rules committee) and Michael Moore ripped him a new was great...also quite amusing to see Mr. Moore and Mr. Maher get on their knees begging Ralph Nader not to run...Dreir wound up leaving in a huff and the whole show has caused a wild array of discussion on the HBO boards...and since I haven't as yet posted about my dad's wedding--it went to see all my family which was are forthcoming--I need to finish up that disc first...also my tomatoes have bottom end rot...damn it poison and blud!...argh!...oh yippee and now I have a "business review" meeting that I have to go to in an
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