the evil cheney
In response to Cheney's allegation that a Kerry victory will result in a terrorist attack I wrote a letter to the editor of the Washington Post that reads as follows:
When Mr. Cheney stated in a sense that a Kerry victory in November would lead to another terrorist attack has an ironic twist of further reversing the pledges of the Bush/Cheney 2000 campaign. Indeed the “Great Uniter” has undoubtedly become the epicenter of the Great Divide. Never before have I witnessed an incumbent Presidential campaign focus entirely on attacking the other side without mentioning the past four years of their presidency. This sort of high-profile attack rhetoric not only is disingenuous but also in fact arms our enemies with a new resolve and weakens the American political culture. Instead of baseless attacks, could the Bush/Cheney campaign of ’04 focus on real debate—without bowing out of more? Why should we trust the Bush/Cheney administration to protect us from another terrorist attack? Given all the information that they had at their disposal they did nothing to prevent 9/11, so why are they able to declare a mulligan? Besides for a man armed with five deferments to attack a volunteer soldier on issues of courage and protecting our nation is laughable at best and typical bravado from a Rove-led campaign.
I'd encourage all of you to write to your local newspapers as well about this vicious and ridiculous comment by the Bush/Cheney in to the White House comment line (I believe the number is 202-456-1111)...tell them you're sick of this nonsense...they're obviously trying to distract us from the 1,000 KIA in well as the economy...or why not look up his staff's contact info and ask them why they work for such evil?
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