taste it! J-Sin's musings...


"mow earth"

remember when "mow earth" was a popular phrase, not of course to be confused with earth healing which is never (I hope) confused with sexual healing...though certainly not as rad as fetch...if you've taken notice I've updated a number of links on this here blog and if you scowl at the andrew sullivan link, well I just have to admit that I like a lot of his analysis (sometimes) and hell it's always good to know what the "opposition" is thinking...besides he's not pro-Bush (since Mr. Bush is anti-family)...and is that kind of progressive thought that ensures that rove is overrated...so this weekend I watched both the Red Sox-Yankees games that were on television...the wife even kicked in and watched and I got to teach her about the greatest game invented a bit...whoohoo!...the pennant races sure are exciting with literally three divisions undecided and the wild card not locked up in either league yet...I'd love to see the Red Sox knock the Yankees out of first place but they basically have to win every game left (from Baltimore and Tampa Bay) while the Yankees have to lose a bunch...which is possible but not exactly likely (he says as he knocks heartily on some wood)...also this weekend I was able to put away all my CDs (fast approaching 3,000!)...and we also played some wicked Stratego but sure as hell didn't waste our time with hello.jpg nonsense...apparantly there was also a nifty little protest at Treasury a few days past...that would have been neat to attend...it will be interesting to see how this Thursday's debate goes...predictions anyone?...my prediction is that Bush will flounder but that Kerry will not aggressively launch into him fearing what happened with the Gore-Bush 2000 debates...though if he's smart he'll bring up Halliburton which is an issue most voters are pissed off about...we'll see.


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