supersize yourself
rented Supersize Me over the weekend and checked it sure to read my feelings on the movie...I thought it was great and it definitely is making me not want to touch fast food in a long time or ever...I'll just think about those fries lasting 10 weeks any time I get a craving...YUCK!...also went to see my boss's band on saturday night at Bangkok Blues in Falls was a great show...should have brought my LaserVibe though!...a little girl was very cute and dancing on the dance floor as we all cracked up...a couple other co-workers showed up and got to meet [not beat like I previously had posted] my wife...rad...was quite disappointed in yet another Redskins failure but hey at least my Braves are going to the post-season! and I'll enjoy watching the Boston series and rooting against the Yankees...whoohoo!...also I watched the new Drew Barrymore documentary about the importance of voting...while the documentary was pretty good, boy is she a bit really makes me sad how many of the youth feel completely disengaged...argh, get off your asses and do something about it!...I was slightly pro-active when I was younger (till I found about the glories of beer that is)...and I was totally excited to vote for the first time--I got to vote for Clinton!...
Hey. I just came accross your post. I have a LaserVibe too! which one do you have? Red or Green? I have the red, but I think I should get the Green too.
I have the red one...looks pretty rad when I plug it into the booth output of my turntable mixer...
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