taste it! J-Sin's musings...


I hate Americans

Yes it seems as if Bush won again...but he didn't.

want to know why?

when you can't have a decent normal vote without problems, you can't claim victory....when you have to rely on Fox News calling the election for Bush before EVERYONE else AGAIN you can't call it a victory...when you have to rely on hacking the electronic voting machines to steal votes you can't call it a victory.

but what if you could call it a victory? what does that mean for this great nation?

It means that we're a nation filled with ignorant racists and bigots and dumb people who believe in the Invisible Man...but does that mean, oh well? does it mean off to France or Canada or Britain or hell any of those Blue States? does it mean our next Great Hope is in the form of the Tiger Woods of the Senate? No I think it means, fuck them. let them have their Emperor of Big Ignorance. let them run our country into the ground. he will lose all their money (and mine) and kill their children (and there will be more now that abortion is on the fast track to banning)...you got your mandate fuckheads, go ahead and take it. but then guess what? you've got the Supreme Court, the Senate, the House, the Presidency BUT NO ONE TO BLAME. and if that's not the least bit of gratifying nuance that you can pull out of the puckered rectum of sewage politics that the Rovian maestro has bestowed upon us than it's true, we Americans only do understand violence and we're lame. totally lame. fuckall kind of lame. hey, maybe something nice will happen and on a sunny day in Texas with an open casket of a motorcade around a tight corner and near an overpass and fences, another of the nation's leaders will be...and well I'll stop there because those folks are the ones now controlling the puppet strings. America, you have lost my faith, my respect, and above all, all credibility but you have no one to blame but yourself. for everyone that didn't go out and vote and be heard, well your part in the holocaust of democracy and legitimacy will be felt when in the next two years BushCo. launches the first pre-emptive nuclear strike and whether that's metaphorical (see social security "reform", tort "reform", health "care", the next military draft, roe v. wade, redistricting, and term limits) or on-the-word will remain to be seen through the mirror-tinged laser-effected squinty eyes of the Fat America.


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