taste it! J-Sin's musings...


and how's this for "blog of the year"

so Time Magazine fresh on their ridiculous heals of announcing that the Messiah of the Right, Bush was their "man of the year", also boasts that Powerline is their "blog of the year"...of course, that blog is a powerhouse for the right and is thusly exposed by the Star Tribune...oh have the right won...they have all the power, they have all the money, and they trample us with gusto of the religious kind while pounding on their chest as if to say to the fallen left "get up, I want to bitch slap you around some more"...but the ironic thing is, they more often than not are the hypocrites who bite into everything they so ironically shake their fist at...take for example how the GOP big donors cash in on smut...or how they suppress the very democracy they tout...well it all comes back in the end, I suppose.


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