taste it! J-Sin's musings...


it's 3am what's your neighbor listening to?

Ah yes. New Year's Eve. Time to party up and party down. Even if you have a slightly retarded and annoyingly loud child. One of the many drawbacks of living in a townhouse--even an end unit such as mine--is that you're "connected" to a neighbor. This can result in the nefarious and disturbing connection of being able to hear their shitty Latin-based bassy dubby crappy where the hell is the midrange music blasting even and quite certainly up to 3am...now I know I'm not a crotched old bastard yet, but damn if I want to come upstairs to find my wife resigned to sleeping in our guest bedroom because even after we politely asked them to turn the music down (at a very fair 1am timeframe)...yes I know it's new year's eve, it's time to party harder than andrew wk...well some people also think that bongs make good art pieces...argh so that was frustratingly annoying...but our own personal new year's eve time was spent at a friend's home in woodbridge...where I found that one of the ladies that was there, in fact, went to my high school, which furthers the belief of the small world complex...but most certainly doesn't aspire me to sign away my life to become a zombie or regret not being in the Beatles fan club circa '63...and I must say that I'm happy to note that the word "blog" is banned from the Queen's English...thank you it is highly overdue and yes I am noting the 'ironicy'.


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