taste it! J-Sin's musings...


uh, the bible gets re-written for the youth of today?

firstly, we have to thank Rolling Stone for not being stupid and putting up this kind of drivel (they do that plenty with their reviews) but what I find most intriguing about this article is that this company rewrote the bible! like what, they have to say that "Judas dissed Jesus" or something so that the dumb youth of today can figure out what was up? first of all, it's an insult to young people and secondly it just further goes to show you that the Bible indeed was written by man for man...and now it's getting rewritten for man's kids by man after man wrote it...honestly, does this sort of thing have ANY creditibility at all??? I love the nonsensical copy too:

"In a world of almost endless media noise and political spin, you wonder where you can find real truth. Well, now there's a source that's accurate, clear and reliable. It's the TNIV -- Today's New International Version of the Bible. It's written in today's language, for today's times -- and it makes more sense than ever"

oooooh because yeah it didn't make any sense before what with all those verses that could be intepreted one way or the other, so we went ahead and did the difficult part of your faith FOR you, because we know you're too lazy to do it yourself...so I wonder, will they just go ahead and change some Letivicius to just come out and say "GAY IS BAD!" instead of being some arcane bizarre fire-and-brimstone intepretation by Pat Robertson's church-on-tv obnoxiousness?...sorry King James, your punk ass just couldn't write for the times! gee, I can't wait for the re-issue of the Koran, this time written for today's youthful Islamics!


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