drop the bomb?
apparantly plans to bomb Iran, are already underway, of course we just need to have Bush come out and say "9/11, terrorism, WMDs, Iran, nucluuuar, 9/11, 9/11, terrorists, rape rooms, evil doers"...and set the table for what they've already been set...this kind of confirms my suspicions when a friend of mine in the Navy said they're headed back there in ~6 months...the last time they were in the Gulf they were there to blow up Iraq, so this shouldn't come as much of a surprise...of course, this time they'll have all the secret agent men in there prior to cause havoc and find the good "non-soft" targets...but really what's up with our administration namely Dick Cheney? he thrusts all this support not to mention money towards Ahmed Chalabi who then turns around and sells us out to Iran only to probably be the front-runner for Iraqi prime minister though we're completely concerned about the new Iraqi regime being controlled by Iran...it's baffling and yet our media is relatively silent on the whole odd affair...gee where's some hostages and arms deals when you need 'em?
So now that the Shiites threw their support behind the interim VP what will Mr. Chalabi do now? perhaps spend those billions of dollars that went missing in the "rebuilding of Iraq" fund?
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