so jeff's out of not just the closet
but also talon news who issued a groveling belly-ache of a resignation for Jeff Gannon aka Hot Military Stud...our liberal patriots friends point out how talon news also put a username/password for all their archived news (gee I wonder why?)'s funny when this kind of thing happens...
now on a more personal side:
Last night I received an automated "political poll" phone call from some unnamed institution or polling agency who quickly spit out their phone number at the end of the message after asking me in confusing doublespeak whether I'd rather pay higher taxes or not, what Virginia should do with its massive budget surplus (they seemed to indicate, lowering taxes, another obvious Republican lame tactic), and also whether we should protect marriage from gays, also said in a doublespeak way in which you're inclined to answer a particular way as they derive meaning from it...of course my answers probably didn't work for their "study" but what was most devious, was not only the intrusiveness or the blatant statistical baiting BUT the fact that they indeed phreak'ed a phone number that wasn't what they were calling from but was indeed a local number of some poor lady who told me she had been blanketed with calls of people bitching about getting these phone calls from her...she said "yeah there's something wrong with verizon", in which led me to respond with, "no there's an organization that's spoofing YOUR phone number so it shows up on caller ID as a local number so that people will be more inclined to answer the phone", then they barrage you with hideous political propaganda that the Swifties would just revel in...but what that dumbass organization doesn't realize is that they called the wrong liberal bastard, and I'll be reporting them to the FTC and to my local Virginia Senator...of course he won't care since he's a thousand year old republican good-old-boy, but nonetheless, what they did was illegal.
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