taste it! J-Sin's musings...


a depressing end to an impressing beginning

So I was sad to see Lost this weekend and lose one of my favorite characters, namely Boone, but it was a great and surprising episode...our trip to NYC was a whole lot of fun...the Yankees/Red Sox home opener was exciting but Yankee fans are douches...there was a bunch who would come up and say right into my wife and I's face how much "they hated us" or "you suck"...poets they were not...the profanity was ridiculous and if baseball really wants to clean up its image it would start there first and foremost because I would most certainly NEVER take my kid to see a Yankees game even if I was a Yankees fan...and fuck them...now I'll never like them.

we also saw legendary guitarist and music wizard Les Paul play live and he was unbelievable and we checked out a Russian Vodka Piano bar in midtown that was pretty fun and I finally had a martini that I liked...guess it was the nasty gin I never liked or something?...anyways I got to see Brooklyn Bridge and Central Park finally which was fun and laugh at my father-in-law buy 50lbs of kielbasa from some Polish meat market that he likes...hearing people wonder if they're smelling meat was funny...the trip was exhausting and I came back with a bit of a sore throat which is slowly starting to feel a bit better...

work's gonna be tough these last two days of the week, and hopefully we'll have ourselves some band practice this weekend...wicked sick, call the janitor.


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