taste it! J-Sin's musings...



I don't often do stuff like this but given the number I got I couldn't resist...

You Are the Individualist


You are sensitive and intuitive, with others and yourself.

You are creative and dreamy... plus dramatic and unpredictable.

You're emotionally honest, real, and easily hurt.

Totally expressive, others always know exactly how you feel.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite teacher was my sixth grade teacher. He used to call me his "number 1" which I knew to be a personality type, but I didn't really have any idea what that meant or what it translated to. So I take this test and what do I get?

You Are the Reformer - 1
You're a responsible person - with a clear sense of right and wrong.

High standards are important to you, and you do everything to meet them.

You are your own worst critic, feeling ashamed if you're not perfect.

You have the highest integrity, and people expect you to be fair.

So I guess maybe he knew what he was talking about. :p


2:15 PM  
Blogger J-Sin said...

I sense sexual tension...that's all I'm saying!...out


11:18 PM  
Blogger Katy. said...

Fairly accurate..

You Are the Peacemaker - 9

You are emotionally stable and willing to find common ground with others. Your friends and family often look to you to be the mediator when there is conflict. You are easy going and accepting. You take things as they come. Avoiding conflict at all costs, you're content when things are calm.

11:07 AM  

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