taste it! J-Sin's musings...


My wife is preggers

Yes it's true. My wife is preggers. She is about ten weeks pregnant. I'm going to be a dad. ain't that some crazy shizzzz?...our families have been very supportive and it's extremely exciting...it seems to hit me in waves, like OH MAN I'M GONNA BE A DAD!...so on Thursday morning we went to the doctor and got to hear the heartbeat. damn that sucka is a straight up death/black metal or grindcore drummer I tell ya what...we'll be finding out what sex it is but that's not for a couple of months now...so my old roommate's wife is pregnant too and due right around the same time (June 2006) so that'll be pretty awesome...I've already begun and before we were trying had started making some lifestyle changes...I cut back even more on drinking (really just a little bit on the weekends) and I'm eating better and trying to exercise more...I want to be in bomb shape again but it's tough to stick to any sort of regiment with my work schedule the way it is...sure I only work between 8 and 10 hours a day (sometimes longer but thankfully that's been rare these last few weeks) but my commute is a pain in the ass and I spend probably 2 hours or so every day on the road in total...

other than that I don't have too much news to report other than one of my old high school buddies found me on myspace and contacted me...we totally need to get together an A.T.M. (my first real band) reunion show!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I HATE the word "pr*gg*rs", but I couldn't explain why until I read the definition on the urban dictionary. That is it EXACTLY. No man should EVER EVER use that word.


11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many a lass has become preggers after going to keggers!

Christopher S. Feltner

ps. Loved the ommission of the E's in preggers from. Ahhh, shoot me.

6:06 PM  
Blogger J-Sin said...

this is true...it's alcohol poisoning TWICE OVER!...out


ps. 2 out of 3 roommates agree....

6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I posted that and realized I had forgotten a name, but then I figured it would be even sillier to post again and say "Oh, that was me." Except "me" would be me.

-normally fucking anonymous

11:23 AM  
Blogger J-Sin said...

more like NORMALLY A JERK!...hahaha...out


ps. Sam you're the best

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best of luck with being a dad!

2:49 PM  
Blogger J-Sin said...

you better believe...garg step it up!...hahaha j/k...out


8:47 AM  

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