weekends and why I still hate Republicans
So far I've had a pretty productive weekend...I had Mir practice on Saturday and the new singer is coming along absolutely fabulous...she's way more prepared than the entire rhythm section (sorry Corpsegrinder!)...we're learning a Smashing Pumpkins song and considering we collectively might have listened to it only a handful of times it was coming along pretty well...
I redesigned my brother-in-law's music site and used WordPress for the first time...it's not bad but tragically doesn't have all the bells and whistles that I'd like...for instance, I don't want to have a blogroll category but in the fifty seconds I devoted to figuring it out, it seemed like a must...some other stuff is a tad annoying but what can I say...
So yesterday the wife and I were looking at the mail, I was tearing through the five packages of CDs I got and she was looking at the important stuff (no truth that it included the new Playboy magazine!!!), and we saw that we got the "2005 Official Democrat and Progressive Voter Guide"! Well wow! So we looked at it, and by golly it seemed to declare that Independent Russ Potts was by FAR our choice to uphold our progressive and liberal values. I kept telling the wife that it made no sense because he was the former Republican state senator of Winchester back when I still lived in that area and that the only real reason he was running as an independent was because he was too lame to beat out Bush boy Kilgore for the Republican portion of the ballot...so we scratched our heads and went on our merry little way (we watched "Bewitched" with Will Ferrell and pretty much the entire old crew of "The Daily Show", which was pretty damn funny)...but later in the evening I hear the wife screech "I KNEW IT" in the most screechy loud voice that her little body can muster...
so I ran up the stairs to see what misadventure had befallen her in the kitchen...she pointed to the small print next to Tim Kaine's face in the ad...low and behold, this was an ad paid for by Kilgore's PAC!...ahh, so they're sending out dirty deceiving misleading glossy mailers to further continue their slimy negative campaign!...I was mad I tell you! so I wrote a letter to the editor of the Washington Post:
"I shouldn't be surprised this evening but I am. In the day of muckraking and political trashtalking, who would be? But when I opened my mail and discovered that Independent Russ Potts, a former Republican state senator, had become the clear choice for progressives, I was left shocked. I was mailed the "2005 Official Democrat and Progressive Voter Guide" for the Governor of Virginia election, which promised that I would learn which "candidate for Governor truly shares" the liberal stances that I've had for many years. Inside I was shocked to discover how liberal, Russ Potts had suddenly become; indeed he would support NARAL's views of abortion, be more for gun control than Tim Kaine, and also would help gays and lesbians adopt! After learning this and remembering how financially bad off the Potts campaign was, I was stunned by this nice glossy colored pamphlet. Then I discovered that the mailer was "paid for and authorized by Virginians for Jerry Kilgore" when I noticed the small print next to Tim Kaine's photo. A Republican party that has smeared so many fine politicians before has a good friend in Jerry Kilgore. I suspect that with slimy tactics like this, Virginia will be faced with the same kind of disastrous political muckraking that the GOP-led Congress upholds. Today I'm ashamed to be an Virginian when such low tactics as this deceiving mailer are thought to be able to change a single mind. I can hope that the Fourth Estate can provide a shield over this despicable lack of tact and fair gamesmanship."
Now I'm sure it won't be printed but hopefully Virginians discovered this slimy thing and are turned off by this jerk even more. If our state elects that idiot, we're going to be taking giant leaps backwards and you can kiss the good schools goodbye...his promise of widening 66 inside the beltway is such a ridiculous thing to campaign on, since a.) it won't happen and b.) talk about a way to piss off the very large and well-off Republicans in Arlington county!
so now I'm off to go do some work before all the football games come on this afternoon.
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