taste it! J-Sin's musings...


where's the blogger love?

maybe those of you out there reading this could steer me in the right direction to find a nice web stats plug-in for this blog...maybe something similar to webusage...I know I could quite easily write something myself using my web server's weblogs but I'd like decent reporting that I just don't have the time nor energy to put into that kind of project...besides I'm sure there's something out there...and what up with like photo galleries or something?...I might actually write one of those for when I get back in the states after our trip to europe...also why don't you guys go help my charitable cause by buying my site's compilation CD all the money goes towards the ACLU...I'm trying to raise $500 for them this year and having a bitch of a time doing so...plus you get a great CD and good music...help a brother out!


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