taste it! J-Sin's musings...


2 teeth and a microphone

yesterday afternoon I got two of my wisdom teeth pulled...so why do they call them wisdom teeth if they never come in correctly and always are ridiculously screwed up in almost every mouth...this is what I asked my dentist...is it some sort of dentist inside joke I further questioned...he laughed as he held massive pliers and one of those funny little mirrors on a metal rod and said "no I believe its because they usually erupt when you reach adulthood"...so he recommends getting them done in your teens...argh! if only I had known...pain-wise I'm pretty much over it, although it's still difficult to eat...but he gave me a prescription to vicodin which resulted in generic drugs that were tremendously cheaper--whoohoo, fuck those pharmaceuticals!

my stupid senators don't want to protect our troops OR our tax dollars as both George "the smiling buffoon" Allen and John "Don't Confuse Me With Mark" Warner both voted AGAINST Senator Leahy's amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 that would have made warprofitting illegal, basically asserting that contractors couldn't overcharge the government or cheat the government out of money...so how does halliburton cheat the government out of money? well they sign contracts with our government that give them a percentage over cost (I believe some are at a seemingly miniscule 3%) BUT they get to define what the cost is...in addition if a truck breaks down for whatever reason, inside of fixing the truck, they'll just buy a new one and charge the US taxpayer for it...isn't that grandly patriotic? and the republicans voted AGAINST this amendment...that's right, those supposedly fiscal conservatives thought that it was a bad idea to NOT waste our taxpayer's money...it's so annoying when republicans and conservatives accuse the democrats or liberals as being free-spenders, which in many cases can be true of course, when these same conservatives and republicans do EXACTLY the same thing... but hypocrisy is devout throughout the world. for example, bishops are apparantly still saying the same nonsense about abortion and communion to catholic lawmakers who support reproductive rights apparantly ignoring the fact that the church was also against the war and is publicly against the death penalty...what a bunch of hypocrites that will burn in hell when they die...again more reasons to avoid the religious scene completely...


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