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young people will vote?

got this press release in my e-mail today, I thought it was worthy of posting...

Young people will vote in this election like never before due to the
proliferation of hip hop stars who are urging people to vote - It's a
brand extension of black people and hip hop, according to Emil Wilbekin,
Creative Director of The Marc Echo collection, and former Editor of Vibe
Magazine. "In its earliest days, hip hop was political, and then evolved
to become a strictly materialistic, financial industry, and now with its
tremendous success has evolved full circle to become once again a
political movement. As black people have more money, they need more power
in established circles, and these movements embody the neo-civil rights

"Hip hop is the most powerful cultural movement since rock and roll, and
the leaders of the black and urban communities are finally recognizing it
and stepping up to ensure our prominence is also noticed in politics."

Emil Wilbekin is widely regarded as one of America's leading urban
visionaries, and is a former Editor in Chief of Vibe Magazine, and
provides frequent expert commentary on music, urban culture, and fashion
for numerous television outlets and programs, including NBC's Today, CNN,
The Fox News Channel, BET, MTV, and VH1.


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