superman can't die!
at only 52, Superman is dead...the kryptonite of religious zealots who feel that fetal stem cells that AREN'T going to be used anyways should not be used for research because it's LIFE!...what's that there's no reasonable doubt that your black and retarded and killed someone in Texas? FRY HIM...who needs DNA evidence...we're infallible humans!...speaking of religious stupidity I went to a baptism (my first!) this weekend and listened as a condescending priest told me that most people will go to hell but you can prevent that if you go to church once a week on sunday (but saturday night counts too!)...also handy was the Voter's Guide available in English and gave us the five infallible "issues" that all good Christian voters must vote Christianly to:
- Abortion
- Euthanasia
- Embryonic Stem Cell Research
- Human Cloning
- Homosexual "Marriage"
Isn't that just precious? so in other words the Catholic Church officially sanctioned Christopher Reeve's death...Note that the war in Iraq which the Pope himself said was immoral and unjust doesn't appear in the bulleted list...but Christopher Reeve isn't the only dude whose limbs were useless that was rad...and that's not the only tragic death of the day...the great third baseman Ken Caminiti also 41...did I mention, I hate the Redskins? but the Rams...whoa baby what a comeback!
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