perhaps an explanation is overdue part deux
after my wonderous, wandering, ranting of a post I figured maybe a clarification was in order especially noting that today is the beginning of hanukkah and whatnot...what I find very disturbing is that some people think that in order for you to be "religious" or to have "faith" you have to subscribe to one of the Big Three which I find a.) extraordinarily arrogant (sort of the "my god's better than your god" variety at times) and b.) extraordinarily exclusive...when I was younger my parents and I had several quite compelling conversations about the subject, I always thought that was awesome about them, that they never tried to forge my mind in one way or ther other but let me figure things out for myself as they helped guide me as much as I needed...indeed, I do "believe" in a higher power (as I always have) which is most certainly defined as "faith" as there is no nor do I require "real" so-called proof...but by no stretch of the means does that entail that I have to accept one person's religion over anothers nor should I accept being dictated to or sermonized...I don't think that if I go to church or temple or any of that, that it somehow makes me more enlightened or somehow lends some sort of creditibility to my belief system...I don't exclude others from my viewpoint, if others have different views, I have no problems accepting them, I may not agree with them but I just only desire that their beliefs not be put forth and dominate over my life and others lives as is seen when people of "faith" try to limit people's marriage rights and what have you (which is a whole source of another topic and a big zig and zag of false intepretations and falsehoods of what God and even Christ's intentions are if you ask me)...I don't think that there's anything wrong with what I believe, if others do, that's fine, but don't expect me to "jump" when you say jump just because you believe what you is hilarious how those that clutch to faith so quickly deny things like evolution, claiming that God created everything, which is fine and actually something I do believe...HOWEVER...if you believe that God created everything, couldn't you therefore surmise that God created the fact of evolution? and that by creating animals and beings and creatures that have evolved into something higher and different that it was all part of his original "intelligent design"?...doesn't seem like that hard of a topic to wrap your head around...but then again the arrogance of man finds its way into the universe as this all important being that must MUST somehow be more special than all the other animals and beings and creatures in our universe...and for that, I think God has a special punishment perhaps...I mean really, why do people insist on being so damn stubborn and exclusive? oh yeah, I forgot, they're more faithful than I am, because they go to Church or Mosque or Temple or whatever. blah. that's just a weak excuse. and no I'm not talking in this high-end stereotyping type of way. obviously you can't compare a regular old person that goes to Saturday night mass to a Jerry Falwell and obviously to each their own...I guess stereotyping just don't work, and neither does talking in generalizations as you will probably just blind yourself to someone or something or some idea well worth your while. right? But to be certain, "faith" is a personal journey that each one of us inevitably makes to whichever direction we find ourselves choosing and on whichever path we happen to choose...I guess if you're not ready to accept that you're not really following any of the true paths of your religion anyways? right? you're throwing me into some sort of wack categorization that's hardly even near the truth...most every religion stresses the goodness that mankind is supposed to exude as much as possible yet unfortunately all religions and faiths are consumed by a small minority of folks who decide that they must commit such errors in the name of their faith...don't waste your breath on me, folks. I have no interest in YOURlame intepretation of what MY faith is supposed to entail...well anyways I've probably explained more of myself and my faith than I need to...I'm sure I didn't win anyone over and/or change anyone's opinion about me...probably didn't make any new friends either but I certainly wouldn't say that I got any new "enemies" least I know I didn't declare anyone my enemy--I love you all, well maybe not love, but certainly not hate, maybe more on the lines of slightly above indifference...whatever, Happy Hanukkah for all you shizz'es.
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