a busy day
Woke up at 8am and will be awake for many hours I believe. Today I go over to the in-laws to borrow some of my brother-in-law's cymbals for me pending drum-o-saurus...then off to guitar center to purchase some accessories (I think I'm going to get a clave!) and some drum hardware...later this evening I'm going off to meet our friends in Rockville to eat some fondue...the place is pricey but we don't eat out often and we rarely hang out with this couple who have the cutest darn kid...makes me want to have kids even more but we will wait until the wife's car is paid off...speaking of cars being paid off, my silver gray chevy is paid off and is all mine, in fact we overpaid a bit and I got a check for, brace yourself, 33 cents...the ironic thing is it cost them 37 cents to mail a check for 33 cents...that's the weird and dumb way our world works...well whatever, I'm going to make those darn bankers work--bastard punks with their crappy hours!...man sometimes I wish I could work banker hours...I mean I'm sure they work their tails off especially since I've gone to the ATM in the morning and seen them hard at work (and gossiping loud enough for me to hear them through the glass doors too mind you) at 8am a full hour before they open...I guess I'm just jealous that they seem to have time off every time there's a line item on a calendar..anyways enough about bankers...although that made me think of the nice friendly black young girl who worked at the Jefferson National Bank (which was bought by Wachovia) who went to JMU and who I found out later quit school because of all the racism she experienced down there...what a shame...she was always really friendly and I feel like a bastard for not remembering her name...speaking of college I think it's cool that some colleges offer seminars or classes on proper drinking whether it's wine or beer...man when I was in college I imbibed waaaay too much and allowed alcohol to control me (or rather UNcontrol me) and it let to a lot of events that I regret but hey I'm willing to take responsibility because it was my choice to drink...anyways I just thought that appreciating good wine is kind of an interesting thing...not that I'm a connosieur nor will I ever be one...but it would be neat to know a little bit more...we're hoping to travel to San Francisco, California to see our friend sometime in August (since July is super-packed with work for me) and I'm sure we'll try to rent a car and maybe drive around to Napa Valley...wine country, hmm that just seems weird to say...but then after that we'll begin to try to start our family...
right now I'm listening to Jesus Mora, this fantastic ambient/soundscape artist...man he can write some bleak shit that's for sure...so this weekend I hope to do some recording...I want to work on my grind solo project which needs a name and drop some new tracks for dRed too...I haven't checked in a while but I don't think anyone's purchased my CD...damn you public!
I wish this whole Terry Schiavo thing would go away and maybe it will with her impending death...I think it's downright criminal that all of these people used that tragedy to further their own politics...how disgusting and low can you go?...ugh.
now I'm off to search for some blogs on Sabermetrics and baseball stuff...rad.
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