taste it! J-Sin's musings...


'47 project

scope this interesting true crime blog, with its creed being:

"Los Angeles in 1947 was a social powder keg. War-damaged returning soldiers
were threatened by a new kind of independent female, who in turn found her
freedoms disappearing as male workers returned to the factories. These
conflicts worked themselves out in dark ways. The Black Dahlia is the most
famous victim of 1947's sex wars, but hardly the only one. The 1947project
seeks to document this pivotal year in L.A., and to reveal the post-war city
still buried under 2005's stucco covering.

Drawing on historic newspaper reports and visits to the scenes as they are
today, bloggers Kim Cooper and Nathan Marsak present a daily story‹-each one
posted on the 58th anniversary of its occurrence‹-illustrating the explosive
relations between men and women in the immediate post-war era and
contrasting them with contemporary Los Angeles. Crime-free posts create
context by reflecting the social milleu, advances in psychiatric law and
notable events of the day. The lurid 1947 incident reports sit beside
Marsak's acerbic contemporary descriptions, casting a hardboiled
architectural preservationist's eye onto buildings that have suffered
humiliations aplenty since the forties."

one of the bloggers is responsible for the rather wacky, Scram Magazine...maybe not as cool as non-Moscow but really not as uber-nifty as Iceland giving props to Bobby Fischer...booya!


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