taste it! J-Sin's musings...


I'm going to New York City

in a couple of weeks to see the Yankees/Red Sox home opener on April 3rd...we have tickets the following night to see the legendary Les Paul (yeah, the guitar dude) play...but we're going to be there Saturday afternoon/night as well as monday during the day and a bit on Tuesday, so what else should we do!?...maybe hit up a musuem? see Central Park (I've only been near the outskirts), go shopping at nifty record stores? laugh at the rasta's selling skag weed in Washington Square? hmm, I wonder if we'll see anyone famous...last time I was in New York I stopped off at some Irish pub to rest my feet and get a beer...it was chill place and as we walked in, none other than the bald white guy named Moby walked by, being all skinny and vegan and probably looking to score some sample that would make him another million bucks...anyways, reply to this post if you've got any ideas!


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