I am old.
Yes I just turned 27...most everyone seems to say "no you're not old"...well damn it, I feel old...this past weekend I had a little get-together that was pretty fun...some of my family came, co-workers, the wife's family, bandmates, and some friends...it was a rockin' good time (at least I thought so)...plus the best part is that a TON of beer was left over...that I get to drink...whoohoo!...so this Rove thing needs to stay in the news...I think it was lame that they put forth this anti-choice nobody for the supreme court in an obvious attempt to change the talk in washington...this weekend is the release of the project I've been working on since Feb of this year...it'll feel great to have it finally out in the real world...this afternoon I'm going to leave work and go pick up a refund check for part of the work that was done on my car since it was covered by a federal warranty...the guy on the phone was all trying to kiss my ass as if his company didn't just try to royally screw me over...fuck that guy...I hate car places, it makes me want to learn more about cars so I can be all like, whatever I know what's going on bitches...but that's not going to happen...
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