taste it! J-Sin's musings...


why was the Israeli embassy warned ahead of the London blasts?

there's a report that the Israeli embassy in London was warned ahead of the blasts in London...why were they warned and not the citizenry?...if Scotland Yard knew of the attacks but didn't do enough to stop them, then can we consider them complicit in the attacks? of course it only benefits the suffering government officials politically since terrorists attacks are key on the distraction level...I'm certain the G8 summit will now spend more time and effort discussing terrorism and colonizing the Middle East with fascist fake democracies and further work to privatizing and globalizing the third world...between Sandra Day O'Connor and these attacks, it's been a shitty news week...but there's a bright spot, a bunch of Internet rumor mills from the Hill are circulating that Karl Rove may be indicted soon...now let's the rejoicing begin!...that is, unless you're an emo kid...


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