books, music, kin, and work
I just finished reading "Choke" by Chuck Palahniuk, yes the guy who wrote the novel that became the movie "Fight Club" was a strange book but a good one nonetheless...I really didn't know how on earth it was going to end until the very end...his books are usually quite gritty and very graphic both of which are key ingredients to make me go "YES!"...I'm a slow reader and an absentminded fact I've been reading this one book for the past five's a bit heavier though...I'd like to read another one of Chuck's books but I'm not sure which one to go after next...or maybe I should read something entirely different or finish some of the other books I've started!
musically, I'm still rockin' out with my awesome bandmates...I want to work on some solo material under dRed again...this time up, it's going to be an ambient drone album...also I still want to make a crazy grindcore album that doesn't use guitars but instead just keyboards, with ridiculous amounts of distortion...what all this amounts to be is that I really need to get a good digital recorder...something that can hold more than five minutes worth of freakin' music...
this afternoon my brother in law comes into town from south'll be great to see him and see his reaction when he sees how pregnant his sister's really incredible to see how much her belly has grown, I'm just dying to meet the little guy inside!...I'll be leaving work a bit early (!!!) and going to pick him up from the airport this afternoon...maybe we'll eat some mexican food and have some laughs and talk about fuck-all...this weekend I'll be having band practice and on sunday going to some wack play since it's my mother-in-law's birthday...
work wise, I've been strugging to get our new app server to work with all of my build scripts, and to work in general...SunOne is amazing stupid to work's clunky and often doesn't make much rudimentary sense, like why you should have to bounce the DAS before you can stop the cluster after you've done a's just total lunacy to the max! I'm really looking forward to working on the main project I should be working on right now...hopefully I won't be tied into getting this ridiculous piece of crap to work for forever, otherwise I will cry...and these will be rivers of pained tears...I mean, rivers...
just recently I got back in touch with a long lost buddy and former awesome guitar playing god for's cool to hear from him and that he's doing's crazy to think of how different I was back I'm, um, much more laid back (?!?)...dunno about that...but I certainly drink a helluva lot less and am naked a LOT more crazy barrelling through a room totally buck naked anymore for me...whew!
also I'll be getting rid of a crapload of my CDs soon...I'd like to cut my collection in half which should be somewhat easy to do since there's a bunch of stuff I'll probably never listen to again...I also will have to be changing the whole review policy on smother...I'm tired of writing 120 reviews every couple of weeks...and soon with the baby coming, I won't have the time...I'd rather spend half the time on just the CDs that I think are good...also I need to finally set up that band section on my site before I get too busy to do it...damn this became a long post...whatever!
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