could you beeeeee anymore insane?
than in you wrote in a vote for mel gibson? shows how ridiculously obtuse the RNC is when the biggest story (excuse the silly pun, I hate it when people make fun of his weight, that's just stupid) is Michael Moore but hey it just further proves my point that McCain has officially dived off the deep end...perhaps it was due to the attacks that he has an illegitimate black child that Rove accused him of having in 2000...I mean really, he supports a dude that didn't want to go to Vietnam and rails against a fellow vet who did...fuck McCain, he's the biggest flip-floppers of them all...and fuck the people who want to bring on the rapture!...but in a time and place when so-called Log Cabin Republicans fight for some sort of voice in the mainstream of Republican diatribe while their own get beaten out of races because they're gay...although I do have to say that the hypocrisy of Schrock was and is well documented and I think that he's worse than a racetraitor like Clarence Thomas...but hell it's not as if our world is ever fair or spouting of freedom right?...what a sad state of affairs...I have all of next week off and I will spend some of my time while not being nurse to my wife, on the telephone calling my representatives...and most assuredly asking Congressman Rohrabacher to resign as we can't let someone so obviously idiotic and juvenile be in the House let alone be the Chairman of the House Science Committee's Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee..I mean that's just stupid
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