taste it! J-Sin's musings...


as the taxpayer money gets wiped away

So the Washington Post whips up a good one in article specifically:

"[Rep. John Conyers Jr. (Mich.), ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee] also disclosed yesterday that Ashcroft spent more than $200,000 in taxpayer money on trips to 32 cities in August and September 2003 to drum up support for the Patriot Act.

A new Government Accountability Office study of the trips found that Ashcroft and his staff spent more than $77,000 for air transportation, according to congressional staffers who have been briefed on the findings. Nearly $40,000 was spent on hotels and other travel expenses, and U.S. attorney's offices spent more than $80,000 for conference room rentals and other costs, the staff members said.

Justice officials told the GAO they did not keep track of some costs, including meetings between federal prosecutors and lawmakers about Patriot Act legislation. The report is scheduled to be released this week. "

isn't that lovely?...and meanwhile others are discussing how the bullshit Republican/Conservative humdrum regarding the CBS documents is just a red herring...remember folks, a lot of money is being thrown this and that way to get that story out and no one in the media has really taken enough time to look at it with an open mind...ahem kind of like the Al Qaeda-Iraq link pre-2002...when everyone was jumping on the neo-con ship even though it was more safe to be on the Titantic...probably the same folks who are using cheap slave labor to produce Che Guevara shirts...ironic ain't it?...yeah you've probably seen all the jocks wearing it since ratm made it onto rolling stone or something...but perhaps it's Argentina that should rightfully have his image...or something...

but while thinking of Ashcroft, I'm sure he'd agree not to give out sex bail...after all he's sure to pressure anyone that isn't as eXXXXTREMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEE as him...rad.


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