taste it! J-Sin's musings...


bush must lose!

so some dude from bucknell university has put together a great wrath of anti-bush and comical genius sites...namely offroaddieselengineemissions.com and even better, youforgotpoland.com...which of course decided to say they were going to remove most of their troops in '05...that on the relative heels of saying their troops weren't going to be in the high risk sections anyways...I mean how pathetic of an international coalition is it when the UK is followed by Poland!? especially a country whose own Prime Minister said this...and meanwhile some morons rattle tattle onwards about how great it is despite:

"This coalition was predictably criticised, particularly by the anti-American Left, as coercive, unilateral and unrepresentative"

oh how lame we are...but I'm sorry the original white house press briefing on the subject was sufficiently lame...I mean any way you draw it up...I guess they did it alphabetically to make it seem like there was a lot of great countries to choose from...but more and more have left what little help they provided in the first place...and the masses are realizing that the myth was just that...just more vaporware from a president whose substance is as substantial as vapor...but "it's hard work"...really, hard


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