pro-life means anti-death penalty
see you can't have it both is ironic that some of the arguments made against the death penalty for juveniles this morning on cspan radio were some of the same arguments made by the anti-choicers (just for the record I'm anti-death penalty and pro-choice)...guess the difference is that we're choicing to kill someone imagining that humans are infallible and didn't make a mistake during the trial or collection of evidence, etc...I sent out an invite for a gmail account to my co-worker and I have 5 invites left if anyone would like to have one just let me hopefully will shape up to be a productive day...I was nominated by our VP to be on some select group to come up with product ideas for our company...that's pretty nifty I think, hopefully marketing will listen :) actually I think they will in this case since they initiated the request...argh the boston game last night was quite frustrating...argh I hate the yankees...DAMN YANKEES! (that must be what the play is about right-o?)...the new Bury Your Dead album was sent to me from Victory's funny every song title is named after a Tom Cruise's the tracklisting:
1 Top Gun
2 Vanilla Sky
3 Mission: Impossible
4 Eyes Wide Shut
5 Magnolia
6 The Outsiders
7 Mission: Impossible 2
8 The Color Of Money
9 Risky Business
10 Legend
11 All The Right Moves
12 Losin' It.
too funny...especially for a hardcore the last debate is tonight...will Bush tell more of the same lies??? of course...while of course Bush will be struggling to defend his poor record on jobs and the economy and speaking of that John Edwards weighed in on Bush's lump/wire last night on Leno...I like how he dissed Bush for being a cheerleader, now that's ask your questions of Bush and ask them of Kerry but in the end, we all know who the big liar is...well hey, maybe someone at the FTC will get off their ass and do something about spyware...chew on that while you look at how the war has affected YOUR state...maybe it'll wake the masses up from their loud loud snore of dumb ignorance...
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