taste it! J-Sin's musings...


the new hoagies

so yeah, I'm a vegetarian and everything and that's all good and well. but in comes a new whole era of feasting on meat...all stymied with new wild Vietnamese and Caribbean flavored hoagies or heroes or whatever the heck you wanna call 'em...and sure yeah I eat fish on occasion and all but talk of quickly vanishing types of fish makes me hesitate a bit...and did you read in the Times this great letter to the editor in which these money paragraphs were confabulated??:

"I can't help but wonder about the passion shown by shoppers the day after Thanksgiving versus the apathy demonstrated by the 40 percent of eligible voters who didn't bother to participate in the presidential election this year ("In Annual Rite, Shoppers Mob Holiday Sales," front page, Nov. 27).

I suspect that millions of those who didn't cast a ballot somehow mustered the energy last Friday to rise at the crack of dawn, endure frigid weather, find their way to stores they've never visited before, and wait in long lines just to buy things they didn't need.

Perhaps our voter-motivation efforts are misplaced, focused as they are on civic duty and individual responsibility. Instead, maybe some campaign money could be spent to give everyone who turns up at the polls a new DVD player. Now that would get out the vote. "

I couldn't have said it better myself especially after my wife told me of the lines she saw outside of Best Buy at 5am as she drove into work on Friday morning...what's wrong with people!? And speaking of what's wrong with people, why did it take the Kerry team this long before they finally participated in some form of recount in Ohio?!?! of course this isn't even really making waves on the big media circuit (imagine my surprise), while a healthy recount effort is already underway in the very hotly contested and extraordinarily close Washington governer election, check out the Democrats pleas:

"I need your immediate help. You've probably heard about the extremely close race for governor here in Washington. Only 42 votes separate my opponent and me, and thousands of ballots across the state haven't been counted.

This is by far the closest race in the history of our state, and one of the closest the nation has ever seen. That means we must make sure that every single legitimate ballot has been counted -- and that means a statewide manual recount of every vote.

Washington state law requires the party requesting the recount to pay for it, and it will cost at least $750,000. The Democratic Party is committed to this recount, but they need your immediate donation today to make it happen. Please give today.


Let me put this race in a little more perspective. Out of nearly 3 million votes cast, only 42 votes separate my Republican opponent and me. That's a difference of 0.0014 percent. The error for voting machines is somewhere between 1 and 2 percent, or 1,000 times as great as the vote difference.

That means that this race is tied, and anything is possible with a manual recount. We must count every vote individually, and we can't do it without you."

and more blah, blah, blah...all I have to say, is do the Democrats really deserve any more effort from us when they went down without even the idea of a fight?!


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