taste it! J-Sin's musings...


the orange bowl of boo

so I didn't actually see this but I caught it online, the embarassing chorus of boos that showcased yet another lame Ashlee Simpson "performance"..what's wrong with music these days? ah, I guess things haven't really changed all that much, there's always hacks like this...if it wasn't her, then it would be a Milli Vanilli or C&C Music Factory replacement of Martha Wash or even Elvis (who would have been 70 today) stealing Big Momma Thornton's "You Ain't Nothing But a Hound Dog" (which was written about a man, so was Elvis singing about a man or a woman?!) and whose been compared to Jesus...the point is there's always been controversy and stupidity and hacks that have risen to the very top all because of the right amount of publicity, marketing, and constant hammering, sure for every hack there's a band that worked hard and still fights for good causes despite superstardom but there's plenty of overhyped losers who make it big anyways and who lame critics at media outlets like Rolling Stone barf on and on about...but in the end, it's the true music listener who gets the last laugh...and speaking of music listening, I realized that if I were to listen to every album I own straight (giving each album a less than generous 45 minute span--I have plenty of long players and double discs, but I needed to account for short EPs and singles) on CD I'd be listening for 104.8125 days straight...wow, that's crazy, when you think about it...I merely own a miniscule drop in the bucket of all the albums out there...could you imagine being able to hear every note, ever recorded? it would take lifetimes I imagine...that's what's so beautiful about this world, it's never going to be fully experienced, and all I was referencing was music, could you imagine meeting everyone that ever lived, or seeing every place in just our small planet--let alone the galaxy or universe?! that's what God is to me. it's the experience of everything, all at once. ok, now to watch some football!


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