get your heal on?
this kind of stuff scares's just this whole idea that spreading religion is an absolute must rather than allowing those interested, to, um, be interested...religion and god aren't meant to be a plague or spam or a "marketing campaign"...I understand the community and togetherness aspect of it, but is that really what they're trying to accomplish here? there seems to be this underlying message that's just rather, well spine-tingling cult-like about it...I don't really care if you, or you, or YOU have religion and practice it openly, that's your right, that's your privilege, and you righteously deserve it...but I don't like the preying (note the "e") aspect that so many religions, churches, mosques, synagogues, and everything in between's just sad to see so many of these faithful folks ripped off, I guess some of these so-called moralistic marauders are just truly malleable and will shake and nod with anything the Big Ones spout off about, following in the footsteps of the Giants like some lambs with slaughter furtherest from their collective consciousness...the Giants being the liars, manipulators, and con artists that permeate every microcosm of's just hard to obfuscate the real genuine from the fake controlling nonsense...
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