taste it! J-Sin's musings...


greenspan's continued double-speak

So today, the Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan comes out and says that the Federal budget deficits are unsustainable...now this is the same man who supported Bush's tax cuts for the uber-rich and who supports the privatization of social security--both of which will enact trillions of additional dollars onto the deficit and budget...so is this just more doublespeak from him?

money quote:

"Extending all of the expiring tax cuts add about $1.8 trillion to the federal debt over 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office. That would come on top of a rapid escalation in the federal debt from $3.4 trillion to $4.3 trillion as a result of soaring annual deficits since 2001."

I myself may be a full-on liberal who supports entitlement programs as much as the next bleeding-heart but I've always believe in fiscal conservatism...the issues are always the same, lame pork barrel projects, tax cuts for the super rich rather than for the poor and middle class (thus bolstering their spending and actually increasing the wealth of property owners), and of course ridiculous over-spending in the realm of the military...but my two pennies find themselves in an extraordinarily full wishing well...


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