taste it! J-Sin's musings...


more like sukn ass

this morning during my daily commute into work, I noticed a big dumb Humvee aggressively driving down I-66 (and is that really an interstate? it only goes through Virginia and turns into Constitution in DC--which of course isn't a state either) swerving from lane to lane to get that extra ten yards ahead of traffic...but the gross thing because the el fake-o blond woman behind the wheel was the license plate that said "SUKN GAS"...wow...thanks to folks like you, we have a war to protect our national interest (albeit an absurd fascination) with consuming oil at an alarming and staggering rate...if I had my dream car, it would come equipped with heat-seeking Sidewinder missiles on the sides and I would have fired one right up her fucking tailpipe...not only was her car obnoxious and a testament to America's greed and selffishness but her driving told stories too as she got off of one exit only to continue down through the merge lane BACK onto the highway to avoid yes, that's right about a dozen cars lined up in congestion...wow I bet she got where she was going a whole 25 seconds sooner! but hey that might have saved her a half liter of gas or so...

I continued on listening to Marduk's newest disc "Plague Angel"...they're really good blackened death metal with some interesting twists and turns on the normal formulaic genre...but then I threw in the new Funeral Diner album called "The Underdark"...dude, THAT'S one helluva band!...their lyrics are really interesting and introspective while the music is this neat take on indie rock with screamy and screechy vocals amid some atmospheric experimental rock...their drummer is awesome...of course I usually like most things off of Alone Records...


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