taste it! J-Sin's musings...


blogger ate my last post

that I posted last week...things have been busy both at work and at home...was just able to go get the new Madden NFL ps2 game...after a harrowing adventure of my playstation not wanting to read the disc...ACK! it finally did...I played till around midnight and then finally went to bed...unfortunately I haven't been able to figure out how to nuke the salary cap...damn it!...oh well...anyways while I've been trying to watch my weight a bit and get in better shape and have only been mildly successful (in my eyes, I mean I only weigh 139 and am 5'7", which ain't fat), I could be far worse...been working on a project dubbed "Project X" at work...how silly is that?...ridiculous if you knew what it was, but hey I'm sworn to secrecy!...hahaha...whatever...could it be that the Yankees might be fearful of their own october surprise?...I'd hesitate to say yes only because Torre such a good coach but I'll tell you this, I think it's hilarious that they could never get Randy Johnson who came away looking like a dumb prick for wanting to only go to the Yankees...oh well...just got my car back from getting its front brakes fixed...yeehaw...ugh, so tired of bills and debt, it totally sucks...mental note to anyone reading this--DO NOT GET LOCKED INTO DEBT AT AN EARLY AGE!...I have some $14,000 in debt (most is my wife's damn it!) that doesn't include our hefty mortage...ugh, never have enough money I suppose...oh well it could be worse, I could be one of the millions of unemployed that Bush's screwing over day after day...


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