taste it! J-Sin's musings...


and I stretch

This morning had the HOV lanes open...why?...because a big tanker truck exploded on I-395 this morning...yuck...and I thought it was a holiday-type related thing...apparantly not...my wife told me one of her co-workers' grandmother died by freezing to teeth after accidentally locking herself in the garage or something...how horrible...tis the season to be depressed no doubt...today's horoscope has me at :

"You have a knack of being friendly and charming without being overly familiar. It is easy to keep members of the opposite sex at arm's length now, so arrange important meetings where neutrality is a valuable commodity."

what's up with that?! keep the bitches (yes that's sarcastic) away from me! hahaha...my wife speaking of the opposite sex is currently at the foot doctor getting an assessment...hopefully all is well...I'm quite worried since one of her toes is still numb...that's just odd!...I'm sure everything will be fine but again, tis the season to be depressed...watched an interesting special on North Korea last night...that place is fucked...talk about Big Brother...it's an entire nation of double-speak...a total human rights violation...people eating bark?! gross...we sit up here in our plush homes with our giantic gas-guzzling SUVs worried that we can't buy a big flat-screen TV for our bathroom and meanwhile people are eating bark!? fuck. but honestly there's no doubt in my mind that if we ever went to war with them, they'd kick our ass...why? I've never seen people literally crying and tearing themselves apart because "the great leader" passed away...shit people lined up for hours to see reagan's "body" but it was NOT even close to the same...the whole place is brainwashed and would fight to the death in an instant I'm certain...but we need to help and fix that nation and convince them that mr. r'oney isn't a diety...but it sure does make you appreciate what you have, that's for sure...merry fucking christmas.

and here's to free trade in Africa!


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