Windows are for Satan!
As I was taking my wife to the hospital this morning for her CAT Scan (hoping to figure out why her sinus infection won't right itself) we drove by the local Jehovah's Witness meeting place and noted (again) that it had no windows...weird and since the one near my grandmother's house also had no windows, I figured it was worth a google to see if it was some weird rule...and it IS!...that's right, not only can they not be cheerleaders, own a flag, or say "good luck" but their meeting halls can't have windows...what a weird religion! oh, that's right, it's Michael Jackson's "religion"! once again, humankind, has embarked on a 100 yard dash in a 90 yard gym...(to borrow a phrase said by a co-worker)...
Hope your wife is okay. Maybe I'll meet her once she starts singing for the band.
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