what I wrote to Congressman Wolf
"Since the House and the Senate have enough time on their hands to investigate steroids and involve themselves in the Terry Schiavo case, I expect by Monday morning that you'll also have announced the following:
A fix for the deficit.
A way out of the quagmire of Iraq.
And if Social Security is in such dire need of "fixing", a fiscally responsible solution.
If not, I expect your resignation and a promise that you will bury your head in sand like an ostrich in the utter shame that you and your fellow Republicans have brought upon our great House of Representatives. If for no other reason than ample publicity, your party has brought shame and disgust upon our most heralded of governments. You do not care for this human beingj--for if you did, you would have led an intervention a great long time ago rather than allowing this to continue onwards for years and years, let alone the several weeks it's been in the public spotlight. For shame!"
honestly, whatever happened to the conservatives notion of "state's rights"? or does that only apply when it's politically convenient? what a bunch of hypocrites...as they vote to crush Medicaid, they want to protect someone whose only existence can be reflected by her protection under Medicare...I believe you spell loser with a capital "R"
I also wrote my representatives, but they SHOULD vote against it because they are Democrats. That is, as long as they show up to vote...
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