taste it! J-Sin's musings...


no more blogging for bush

The CIA have officially asked Bush to stop blogging...all funny stories aside it's pretty ironic that because of a Bush leak, we lost a valuable asset in the war on terror--the topic he's supposedly so strong on...which of course has never been true despite what Fox and the GOP want to smear around...in addition, Bush has jumped ship from his own letter against smear campaigns...so surprise surprise...what a douche bag...and in the days where you can get your videogame dancing one only wishes that he could attend the premiere of Nicotina which looks like a pretty cool movie...some are already saying that the President's pick for the head of the CIA may not be the right one while he touts the GOP talking points like "got books full of that stuff"...ack, looks like another good fight in a Senate confirmation if you ask me...especially when the asshole mocks the investigation of what would he one of his own analysts being outted by suggesting, "somebody sends me a blue dress and some DNA, I'll have an investigation."...ugh.


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