taste it! J-Sin's musings...


this is my BOOM stick!

this morning as I was showering Army of Darkness was on UPN or some channel that doesn't take a lot of pressing on the channel key to get too...to say it was a struggle to get out of bed this morning is like saying that Easter might involve some candy and a bunny rabbit...my throat was a bit sore and neither me nor my wife got very good rest...of course I stayed up till a half hour after midnight reading "Faithful" (my LD self usually takes half a century to finish a book--this has been the book I've been reading since X-mas) and I went to bed even though I only had some 15-20 pages left to pour through...it's a great read and has gotten my juices psyched for baseball...speaking of baseball, I was able to score two tickets on Memorial Day to see the Nationals vs. the Braves...the seats aren't the best in the world but they satisfy my desire to be near the 3rd base dugout (the home dugout) and not be way in the nosebleeds...I've never be to RFK to actually see sports or anything in which I have to be seated (only been there to see the Vans Warped Tour and it was inside on the grass and there weren't actual seats that you sat in) so I have no way of knowing if I just purchased crap seats with a blocked view or if they're moneyball tickets...I'll go with the later because I'm too psyched to get down on anything...in just a couple more weeks we go up to NYC to see the Yankees opener, which I believe is televised on Fox (look out for the guy struggling not to pop any Yank's fan in the mouth!) and even though it looks like Curt Schilling isn't going to face the Big Unit I'm sure it'll be a great match-up nonetheless...the Yankees are DAMN old...I don't know that they have a single player younger than say 28 or so...

anyways, enough about hardball...

this weekend was pretty fun...on Saturday I went up to Rockville and hung out with the old man who just turned 50 on the 11th...he finally went to the doctor after having some real bad sinus infection that was driving him nuts...glad he went, he needs to live another 50!...it was cool seeing my brothers, my middle brother brought up his girlfriend and her baby...she seems pretty nice but dude, hearing my brother called "Dad" (he's not the father) is just weird...seeing my brother changing diapers (NO he's NOT the father!) is even more weird...but I've never seen him happier...I think he likes feeling like he's needed...his girlfriend was booted from her house and I believe at the ripe old age of 17 or 18...guess they have some stuff in common huh? I'm so beyond angry at my mother I don't know really how to express it...it's pretty typical but whatever, I'm not going to waste any breath on that nonsense...we came home that evening to a phone message from my brother-in-law who we called back...he apparantly just recently played pool against the #1 ranked pool player in the world...he said he got to break, and then watch him run the table...not once but TWICE...then his girlfriend played the guy who must like to let girls think they have a chance since he let her sink three balls before destroying her, the waitress at the bar got a total of five before her fate was sealed...he sounds like he's doing good but he's getting crushed at work and might move back to the States if he doesn't land a university position...the selfish part of me hopes he comes back...

speaking of in-laws, last night we had them over and made homemade pizza and hung out...that was fun...we watched the end of Tortilla Soup that we had started some 6 or 8 months ago and which has been sort of a running joke between me and my mother-in-law...so yeah that was fun...looking forward to band practice this week although once again, our bonus checks aren't going to be in this paycheck "but yeah, they'll be in the next one"...I'm beginning to wonder if it's not a bunch of bullshit since I've heard conflicting stories every week...not that I need the money but damn if it wouldn't be nice to drop some bones on some drum hardware...our annual raises however are supposed to be reflected in this paycheck...we'll see...

and speaking of work, this next couple of weeks are going to be really hairy...there's a lot of work to do and not much time...the world world of web development beckons...


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