follow the yellow brick spoof
so today in analyzing some logs for, ironically the people paid to analyze our logs, I discovered a classic User-Agent spoof, specially "Schmozilla/v9.14 Platinum" others have noted some lamely rip out the content directly from the Perl Cookbook example and include the spoofed referrer too which is wizard.yellowbrick.oz...haha too funny...after sitting in a torrid amount of traffic once again this morning, I must reiterate the need for jetpacks...and I must say I'm glad I didn't learn how to type on this machine...and holy fucking hell is everyone loud in and around my cubicle right now...GO AWAY and drown yourself like the wet rat you know you fucking are...and you hopefully will know that our moron in the off-white house isn't the only idiot that can't pronounce nuclear...
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