taste it! J-Sin's musings...


I'm more metal than you can ever hope to be, maybe?

from a head-butt. to a cymbal. word. 1995 represent.

If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits eighty-eight miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit.

"Ronald Reagan? The actor?"

they like me, they really like me!

The Majestic Twelve is a great little indie band, and they expressed their affections towards my latest review of their new album...yippee!


please don't say Islamofascists anymore

because you sound like a whiney little pundit that offers nothing more than their own slogans and chestbeating...really a chimp could do better...irony aside.


it's funny when Republicans lie

and get caught...so a guy who wants to replace a corrupt politican just looks like another wanker...


the robot

this guy is like liquid

when you can't fight an unconventional war, try to start another one that you think you "won" last time

America, riddled by horrid mistakes in Iraq, lashes out at Russia...distraction anyone? blame game anyone?


our next president?

we all hope not


senator I hope you lose

Lieberman loses his cool and hopefully will lose his race...he's a jerk and a horrible politican...don't you have some videogames to go off and censor?


how evangelicals were for separate of church and state

this is pretty a interesting look back at what the framers and the evangelicals were thinking back during the formation of our nation...

I need to make this...

this looks pretty delicious...


bad case of the mondays?

I definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning...all morning I've been in a shitty mood...it didn't help things when farty mcfartster passed gas a couple of times in his cube...seriously do you really think I don't hear it? don't you notice that I exclaim like each and every time after you do it?...seriously I think I'm at the exploding point!...even a yummy egg and cheese croissant this morning didn't help things...instead now my guts feel ravaged...

the weekend was way too short and filled with lots of work for me...but I got everything I wanted to do done which is great...the nursery is almost complete, the wife will be painting today with some help from her mom and then we just need to get the crib and changing table/dresser and move that all in...FUN! that'll hopefully be all done this weekend...I'm hoping to take at least one day off this week to get all that stuff set up...still lots to do but it's not too bad...

this is going to be a crappy week at work I just can tell already...a bug in my code that I found last week has me frazzled and perplexed and unfortunately the crappy app server that I'm building on doesn't support stepping through your code...ARGH! I know it's just some synchronization problem but I'm not 100% sure where it overwrites badly...oh well, I'm sure it'll get solved eventually.

I'm hoping to be in a better mood by lunchtime...

reese melts in your hand

I'm not big on sugar but dude!


review storming the castle

apparantly my review of Darkest Hour's "Undoing Ruin" graces their homepage...rad

Hey WBC, Vince McMahon wants his ideas back

last night's heavyweight bout was good, especially round two which was probably one of the best rounds I've ever seen in a heavyweight fight...fatso Toney looked like shit in most of the rounds, though he did wail on Rahman a few times real good, but they never hurt Rahman at all...on the flip side, Rahman just dominate throwing I can't remember exactly but something like 300 or 400 more punches...it was clear who won and for it to end up in a draw is some bullshit...typical of when I'd watch wrestling back in the day...Also James Toney you're 37, stop acting like you're 23...and also stop eating so damn much...



this is pretty funny...ann coulter is a real moron.


I just need a crown

it's not too late for me to do this with my cds but where would the marksman fit in?...



After being home sick today, I feel revitalized. Transgressed. Obnoxious. Anxious even. Hell I don't know. I just want to do. Whatever do is. Do do? I told you I was obnoxious. I just got the latest from Oxbow (read our ridiculously long and thoroughly intriguing interview with them. The album is blowing my hair back. I have yet to watch the DVD that accompanies it but I'm sure it will be equally astounding and astonishing and vibrant and all that jazz.

But back to do. Or doing. Or done. Or something.

This weekend was busy to say the least. We went to Woodbridge and registered at Babies R Us. Then we ate at Fuddruckers (amazing veggie burgers yo!), stopped at Borders where a guy commented on my awesome Transformers shirt (fuck yes yo!), and then bought a videocamera at Best Buy. No I'm not taping any birthing activities. We went to see some friends and eat at the Melting Pot on Saturday which was tasty, exhausting, and crazy and yet ridiculously fun. We stopped by to see my grandmother, dad, my step-mom, my aunt and her boyfriend, and a close family friend after dinner. That was fun too. Then I came home and monitored a move release that was supposed to go out. Nothing crept up but I felt like I should stay up late in case the phone rang. Then 2am came. And I went to bed.

But also the weekend found us clearing out thousands and thousands of jewel cases that enclose the thousands and thousands of CDs I have in my collection. That wasn't very fun. Tedious to say the least. 12 bags of jewel cases now line my street waiting for the garbage man to take them. I'm glad that's done with--sort of. We still have a LOT of work to do.

But back to doing. Done, do, due even. I need to stretch out. And get into something crazy and obscenely different. I guess I'm just in one of those moods--staying home all day and inside on a beautiful day will do that to an individual I suppose. But I do feel better. I want to push myself to crazy limits so that I'm ready for the next chapter in my life that's just around the corner. I want to see how far I can go again, because I've let myself just totally fall apart in the personal category for far too long. It's time to be at 110%. I don't mind if it comes bundled with sleeplessness or anxiety even. I want to be shuddering from lack of true activity. Motionlessly I want to screech out that I've only got fucking 24 hours in a day and that the days and nights and days and nights have to lengthen damn it. I'm sick of my body being sore and old and broken looking. This should be the next dawn of the next era of the next thingamabob!

Or maybe it's all because I'm listening to the new ambient/drone album by Everlovely Lightningheart. And it's exactly the album I wanted to write and record. Only it was done by someone else's hands and hearts and brains. But it's 110% of what I want.

As far as work is concerned that area of my life is going well. Which I'm very grateful for. While I enjoy working hard, I like when it has its rewards and no I'm not talking about monetary. I'm talking about when you do something and feel good about what you're working on. It has its moments of quagmire-dom but for the most part it's delicious and special and what I like to do. So hell yes, and fuck yeah and stuffs.

Now that my stomach is in fifth gear again I think I shall have some dinner and wreck it all to hell and back again. One week from today I need to report back success or failure! Or the hell with me my friends, the hell with me.

Also, this post makes no sense just like the last one didn't either. Stupid stream of conscious nonsense and lack of good editorializing...


fakers piss me off

especially ones that think sooooo highly of themselves...seriously get over yourself, there's a reason you're in the spot you're in, douche. also, shut up.

I love being 12!


democracy on the web!

cool video player tivo-esqure thing


I am old

From: Shelly Collette Mar 8 2006 9:18:25AM
(1) Class of 1996 Reunion

The Class of 1996 Renuion will be on Saturday, June 24, 2006 at the Piccadilly Brewpub in Winchester, Virginia. The cost is $25.00 per person, pay at the door, which includes a DJ, food and an open bar from 8pm-12pm. The room is available if we want to stay longer, however, it then becomes a cash bar. Tell everyone you know about the Reunion and I hope to see you all there. If anyone wants to help or has suggestions or questions, please call me at 703-200-1192.


I have high expectations from corpsegrinder

in making music to go along with this flash (my use of puns tonight is outstanding!)...

I sure wish...

that this blog was updated more often (note : not really work safe)


might have to get me some of this...but subscription fees!?! BOO!


Dear Kettle

Dear Kettle,

You're black


The Pot

but what I really need

sleep would be great but what I really need is a haircut...man oh man...I practically have bangs and stuff...


oh the work environment

so as if it's not filthy enough to hear my fellow co-workers hack phlegm into a trash can, whistle, sing (sometimes yes!), use the speaker phone, and burp, occasionally one will let a fart fly on out...wonderful I tell ya...because that's why I chose to work at a corporation so that I could hear some dude pass gas...way to be professional...


The Real Reason Behind the Port Deal

looks like the the carlyle group has some significant impact with the port deal...of course Bush's father is invested heavily in said group...

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