I'm more metal than you can ever hope to be, maybe?

from a head-butt. to a cymbal. word. 1995 represent.
The Majestic Twelve is a great little indie band, and they expressed their affections towards my latest review of their new album...yippee!
because you sound like a whiney little pundit that offers nothing more than their own slogans and chestbeating...really a chimp could do better...irony aside.
and get caught...so a guy who wants to replace a corrupt politican just looks like another wanker...
America, riddled by horrid mistakes in Iraq, lashes out at Russia...distraction anyone? blame game anyone?
Lieberman loses his cool and hopefully will lose his race...he's a jerk and a horrible politican...don't you have some videogames to go off and censor?
this is pretty a interesting look back at what the framers and the evangelicals were thinking back during the formation of our nation...
I definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning...all morning I've been in a shitty mood...it didn't help things when farty mcfartster passed gas a couple of times in his cube...seriously do you really think I don't hear it? don't you notice that I exclaim like each and every time after you do it?...seriously I think I'm at the exploding point!...even a yummy egg and cheese croissant this morning didn't help things...instead now my guts feel ravaged...
apparantly my review of Darkest Hour's "Undoing Ruin" graces their homepage...rad
last night's heavyweight bout was good, especially round two which was probably one of the best rounds I've ever seen in a heavyweight fight...fatso Toney looked like shit in most of the rounds, though he did wail on Rahman a few times real good, but they never hurt Rahman at all...on the flip side, Rahman just dominate throwing I can't remember exactly but something like 300 or 400 more punches...it was clear who won and for it to end up in a draw is some bullshit...typical of when I'd watch wrestling back in the day...Also James Toney you're 37, stop acting like you're 23...and also stop eating so damn much...
it's not too late for me to do this with my cds but where would the marksman fit in?...
After being home sick today, I feel revitalized. Transgressed. Obnoxious. Anxious even. Hell I don't know. I just want to do. Whatever do is. Do do? I told you I was obnoxious. I just got the latest from Oxbow (read our ridiculously long and thoroughly intriguing interview with them. The album is blowing my hair back. I have yet to watch the DVD that accompanies it but I'm sure it will be equally astounding and astonishing and vibrant and all that jazz.
especially ones that think sooooo highly of themselves...seriously get over yourself, there's a reason you're in the spot you're in, douche. also, shut up.
From: Shelly Collette Mar 8 2006 9:18:25AM
(1) Class of 1996 Reunion
The Class of 1996 Renuion will be on Saturday, June 24, 2006 at the Piccadilly Brewpub in Winchester, Virginia. The cost is $25.00 per person, pay at the door, which includes a DJ, food and an open bar from 8pm-12pm. The room is available if we want to stay longer, however, it then becomes a cash bar. Tell everyone you know about the Reunion and I hope to see you all there. If anyone wants to help or has suggestions or questions, please call me at 703-200-1192.
in making music to go along with this flash (my use of puns tonight is outstanding!)...
sleep would be great but what I really need is a haircut...man oh man...I practically have bangs and stuff...
so as if it's not filthy enough to hear my fellow co-workers hack phlegm into a trash can, whistle, sing (sometimes yes!), use the speaker phone, and burp, occasionally one will let a fart fly on out...wonderful I tell ya...because that's why I chose to work at a corporation so that I could hear some dude pass gas...way to be professional...
looks like the the carlyle group has some significant impact with the port deal...of course Bush's father is invested heavily in said group...